Hello again! Sorry for my lack of posts lately. Seems I've been doing more napping than crafting as of late. Must be entering my winter hibernation mode. :) I have been working on the following project for a few weeks now and finally finished it up this morning.

Before the school year started, I volunteered to be my daughter's teacher's Secret Pal. By signing up, I was agreeing to do something special each month for her teacher to let her know how much she's appreciated. I admit, I've slacked off a bit as I forgot to give her something last month, but this month I hope to make up for it. I made her this magnet board using Authentique's Gathering line, which seemed fitting for this occasion. I thought it would be a nice place for my daughter's teacher to put her thoughts, grocery list, etc.

I hope you enjoyed this little slice of Gathering heaven. :) If I am not back before then, I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. This year I have much to be thankful for. I'm thankful to be on the Authentique Design Team. I'm thankful for the amazing scrappy ladies I've become friends with this year. I'm thankful for a husband who might not understand my scrap habits, but never complains when he sees new stuff come into the house. :) I'm thankful for my two beautiful red heads, who challenge me and make me laugh daily. And last but not least, I'm thankful to have picked up a craft hobby that calms and centers me. If I didn't have my scrappy time, I'd be a much different person. :)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!